All Hindu temples in Himachal Pradesh have east facing doors but a small structure of a temple of Nag Devta on Manoon tibba is facing west. Why?
The answer comes from Mr. Shandilya of village Nala near Fagu. – ‘Because originally the deity came here from Suket, now known as Mandi to the west of Shimla. It is believed that there he had appeared at the first step of Kalayug, in village Mahu near Karsog. Raja Karan of the Hindu epic Mahabharata was the king of Ang and he was blessed by Lord Krishana that in Kalyug he would be worshiped as a God. So he appeared as a serpent and became the protector and the ruler of that region’.
On listening to this Dharutoo devta agreed to fight with him. But the following night a thunderstorm came and the idol of Dharutoo devta fell of the temple into a gorge. Next morning the villagers went up to Manoon Tibba where the Brahmin, with the deity in his body, was sitting in meditation to take his blessings. The villagers asked him what to do. He opened his eyes and asked them to build his temple there, on Manoon, but the structure must face North-West. That is how this temple has a west door. Later another structure was built in village Koti Dhar that still stands.
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